I take pride in working these out.

Projects of unsane quality

A set of the many mediums I work in, ranging from art to music, and where you can find me as such. I've linked a few things in the bottom of the decriptions, as a wat of showcasing my best work - in my eyes.

Project Title Summary Logo
SBG / S.B.G.


My main alias / nickname, and pretty much my signature. I also use it whenever I make art - though I usually store them on my DeviantArt page whihc is shown below. SBG logo
SilobusBaxterGames A place where I put my games, finished or in the works. Still on square one on programming, and all that jazz that comes when making a game. Currently on hold with an RPGMaker game called "Chineez Earfquaykz in Da Sky Ov Beiginj", and an advanture game for an undecided engine "SupraUsufruct". Right now, this one is in an indefinite hiatus, since I realized that I cannot make a game by myself, nor do I have the time to. Though if I do have the utter willpower to let myself finish the former, I somewhat doubt, but hopefully that'll happen sometime. Still, this one is not used often for the same reasons listed. SilobusBaxterGames logo
Grungatronic My music project, that I recently ccame back to after a hiatus. Some stuff I released I consider good to an extent, others... are there. Make your own opinions as you wish.

Link 1 (My best work so far)

Grungatronic logo
Hokuzz Pokuzz My personal YouTube account, with most (probably all) of the videos produced in unironic / ironic Windows Movie Maker. Might do some big things with it, but I'm unsure if those ideas in my head will happen sooner or later. Actually Hokuzz Pokuzz
AvantTeen-core My DeviantArt page that acts as a storage not only for my art, digital and traditional, but also my writings whenever feel like doing it. Obscenitycore