Who the hell is this dude anyway?


Who is this man? What's his dealio?

This is the about page, a page dedicated to information about the guy who runs this crap (me) and why.

Now allow me to introduce myself in somewhat objective detail...

My name is Sean Calvin Cruz Bigas (I go by S.B.G. as a main alias, but I do have others - click Projects for more on that), I am an amateur multimedia artist living in Pateros, Metro Manila in the Philippine Islands. And by the time of writing this (16/09/2023), I am currently 17 years old and was born on Dec. 31 2005.

I tend to not really have not much information about myself, and somewhat think that I don't really know much about myself - despite the fact that I remember everything and by that logic understand what I'm doing... I do not. Maybe an effect caused by something psychological (I have a "psychosocial" problem, whatever that means), or maybe it's just me feeling anxious about myself. Either way, it's all up to me. I tend to put too much effort when it comes to laying out stuff for profiling, a case of online tangents / info-dumping I reckon, which makes me think that I have ADHD. If so, no surprise to me considering my generation.

Where was I? Oh yeah, art.

I picture / imagine myself as a multimedia kind of person, a renaissance man if you will. Though my skill level varies on what medium I'm doing, all in all I just like to create stuff. I started drawing when I was (presumably) in the 1st-3rd grade, back when I was just a curious little squirt on the internet. The drawings I did in those days are primitive, but do hold a place in my heart. Though there were times I had felt a resurgence in drawing stuff (such as the creation of my DeviantArt account), the biggest one was in the 10th grade where I took up the alias of "S.B.G.". That was where I felt I hit my stride the most, and felt comfortable in that position of being back in artistry at full force. As of now, I am currently studying Arts & Design at an undisclosed school, and hopefully, will take up multimedia in college at the same undisclosed school.

My reason for why I do it is vague, but I just like to create things all willy-nilly as long as I have the time - including this website. I create and consume art when I feel like it, and my art style, while undefined in my terms, is a mix of stuff that inspired me / gave proof that anyone can make art. If you want to see my art, check the aforementioned DeviantArt account on links, or go to Projects for more info on that.